Jay Harris is Cpt. LoadTest

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Brian Genisio has organized a monthly lunch for the local development community around Ann Arbor, Michigan. The event, held on the third Thursday of every month, will be an opportunity for developers to get together, network with colleagues, talk about what is cool or what is in the way in day-to-day development efforts, and have a good time socializing at lunch. A Google Group has been set up for more information, and will serve as the primary method of communication.

The first Ann Arbor Nerd Lunch will be held next week, noon on Thursday, December 18th, at the Mahek Indian Cuisine restaurant in downtown Ann Arbor. The plan is to change the meeting place every month to accommodate different taste buds, but to keep the meeting time consistently on the third Thursday.

Ann Arbor Nerd Lunch - Google Group
Thursday, December 18th, Noon

Mahek Indian Cuisine - Map
212 E. Washington Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

Please RSVP on the Google Group, so that proper table sizes can be planned.

For every meeting, you are encouraged to bring a friend. For this first meeting, you are challenged with bringing someone who does not normally attend community functions, such as local conferences and user group meetings, yet is interested in getting involved. Help get Ann Arbor Nerd Lunch off the ground. Also, come with some ideas for the group. Should it stay casual? Should "special guests" be brought in to help start conversation? This is an event for the community, and the goal is to make a lunch that is beneficial for everyone. It should be a great time.

I'll see you there.

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Thursday, 11 December 2008 08:56:03 (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00)  #    Comments [0] - Trackback

Filed under: Blogging | Flash | JavaScript | Programming | Tools

As I discussed in an earlier post (Blog your code using Google Syntax Highlighter), Google Syntax Highlighter is a simple tool that allows bloggers to easily display code in a format that is familiar end users. The tool renders the code in a very consumable fashion that includes colored syntax highlighting, line highlighting, and line numbers. Out of the box it supports most of the common languages of today, and a few from yesterday, but some common languages are unsupported. Perl, ColdFusion, and Flash's ActionScript all are unloved by Google Syntax Highlighter, as are many others that you may want to post to your blog. For these languages, the solution is a custom brush.

Syntax Highlighting Brushes

For Google Syntax Highlighter, brushes are JavaScript files that govern the syntax highlighting process, with names following the format of shBrushLanguage.js, such as shBrushXml.js. Brushes contain information about the keywords, functions, and operators of a language, as well as the syntax for comments, strings, and other syntax characteristics. Keyword-level syntax is applied to any specific word in the language, including keywords, functions, and any word operators, such as and, or, and not. Regular expressions apply character-level syntax to code, and identifies items such as character operators, the remainder of an inline comment, or the entire contents of a comment block. Finally, aliases are defined for the brush; these are the language aliases that are used within the class attribute of the Google Syntax Highlighter <PRE> tag. With this information, the brush applies the syntax highlighting styles according to the CSS defined for each component of the language.

Breaking Down Brushes

Decomposing the SQL Brush

In JavaScript, everything is an object that can be assigned to a variable, whether its a number, string, function, or class. Brushes are each a delegate function. The variable name of the brush must match dp.sh.Brushes.SomeLanguage.

dp.sh.Brushes.Sql = function() {

Next, define the list of keywords for applying syntax highlighting. Each list is not an array, but rather a single-space delimited string of keywords that will be highlighted. Also, multiple keyword lists can exist, such as one list for function names, another for keywords, and perhaps another for types, and unique styling can be applied to each grouping (we'll get to styling a little later).

  var funcs = 'abs avg case cast coalesce convert count current_timestamp ' +
    'current_user day isnull left lower month nullif replace right ' +
    'session_user space substring sum system_user upper user year';

  var keywords = 'absolute action add after alter as asc at authorization ' +
    'begin bigint binary bit by cascade char character check checkpoint ' +
    'close collate column commit committed connect connection constraint ' +
    'contains continue create cube current current_date current_time ' +
    'cursor database date deallocate dec decimal declare default delete ' +
    'desc distinct double drop dynamic else end end-exec escape except ' +
    'exec execute false fetch first float for force foreign forward free ' +
    'from full function global goto grant group grouping having hour ' +
    'ignore index inner insensitive insert instead int integer intersect ' +
    'into is isolation key last level load local max min minute modify ' +
    'move name national nchar next no numeric of off on only open option ' +
    'order out output partial password precision prepare primary prior ' +
    'privileges procedure public read real references relative repeatable ' +
    'restrict return returns revoke rollback rollup rows rule schema ' +
    'scroll second section select sequence serializable set size smallint ' +
    'static statistics table temp temporary then time timestamp to top ' +
    'transaction translation trigger true truncate uncommitted union ' +
    'unique update values varchar varying view when where with work';

  var operators = 'all and any between cross in join like not null or ' +
    'outer some';

Following the keyword definitions is the Regular Expression pattern and Style definition object list. The list, this.regexList, is an array of pattern/style objects: {regex: regexPattern, css: classString}. The regexPattern is a JavaScript RegExp object, and defines the pattern to match in the source code; this pattern can be created using one of three options within Google Syntax Highlighter.

Predefined Patterns
Within Google Syntax Highlighter, dp.sh.RegexLib contains five predefined regular expression patterns. MultiLineCComments is used for any language that uses C-style multi-line comment blocks: /* my comment block */. SingleLineCComments is used for any language that uses C-style single line or inline comments: // my comment. SingleLinePerlComments applies for Perl-style single line comments: # my comment. DoubleQuotedString identifies any string wrapped in double-quotes and SingleQuotedString identifies strings wrapped in single-quotes. These options are used in place of creating a new instance of the RegExp object.
Keyword Patterns
Google Syntax Highlighter has a GetKeywords(string) function which will build a pattern string based on one of the brush's defined keyword strings. However, this is only the pattern string, and not the RegExp object. Pass this value into the RegExp constructor: new RegExp(this.GetKeyword(keywords), 'gmi')
Custom Pattern Definition
Create a new RegExp object using a custom pattern. For example, use new RegExp('--(.*)$', 'gm') to match all Sql comments, such as --my comment.

For these pattern/style objects, the regular expression pattern is followed by the name of the CSS class to apply to any regular expression matches. The style sheet packaged with Google Syntax Highlighter, SyntaxHighlighter.css, already defines the many CSS classes used by GSH; place the additional styles for your custom brushes within this file, in a new file, in your HTML, or defined them within the brush using JavaScript.

  this.regexList = [
    {regex: new RegExp('--(.*)$', 'gm'), css: 'comment'},
    {regex: dp.sh.RegexLib.DoubleQuotedString, css: 'string'},
    {regex: dp.sh.RegexLib.SingleQuotedString, css: 'string'},
    {regex: new RegExp(this.GetKeywords(funcs), 'gmi'), css: 'func'},
    {regex: new RegExp(this.GetKeywords(operators), 'gmi'), css: 'op'},
    {regex: new RegExp(this.GetKeywords(keywords), 'gmi'), css: 'keyword'}

The delegate definition ends with any style specifications. Apply a style sheet to the entire code block using this.CssClass. Also, as mentioned above, the brush can define custom CSS using this.Style as an alternative to placing the CSS in HTML or a CSS file. When finished, close the delegate.

  this.CssClass = 'dp-sql';
  this.Style = '.dp-sql .func { color: #ff1493; }' +
    '.dp-sql .op { color: #808080; }'; }

The final component of a Brush, set outside of your delegate, contains the prototype declaration and any aliases to apply to the Brush. Aliases consist of a string array (a real array this time, not a space-delimited string) of language aliases to use, such as ['c#','c-sharp','csharp']. Alias values must be unique across all defined brushes that you have included into your site.

dp.sh.Brushes.Sql.prototype = new dp.sh.Highlighter();
dp.sh.Brushes.Sql.Aliases = ['sql'];

Making a Custom Brush (for ActionScript)

I like rich media applications, such as those developed in Flash or Silverlight. I was surprised when I found that Google Syntax Highlighter does not ship with an ActionScript brush, and more surprised when I found out that no one has written one, yet. So, using the methods from above, I created one. This isn't meant to be an exhaustive brush, but more like Stone Soup. It's a start. Please feel free to add to it.

dp.sh.Brushes.ActionScript = function() {

  var keywords = 'and break case catch class continue default do dynamic else ' +
    'extends false finally for if implements import in interface NaN new not ' +
    'null or private public return static super switch this throw true try ' +
    'undefined var void while with';

  this.regexList = [{regex: dp.sh.RegexLib.SingleLineCComments, css: 'comment'},
    {regex: dp.sh.RegexLib.MultiLineCComments, css: 'comment'},
    {regex: dp.sh.RegexLib.DoubleQuotedString, css: 'string'},
    {regex: dp.sh.RegexLib.SingleQuotedString, css: 'string'},
    {regex: new RegExp(this.GetKeywords(keywords), 'gm'), css: 'keyword'}];

    this.CssClass = 'dp-as';

dp.sh.Brushes.ActionScript.prototype = new dp.sh.Highlighter();
dp.sh.Brushes.ActionScript.Aliases = ['actionscript', 'as'];
Wednesday, 10 December 2008 16:47:27 (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00)  #    Comments [1] - Trackback

Filed under: Mush

Photo of Jay Harris After seeing yet one more link on the internet attributed to Captain LoadTest, I figure that it is time to put a face to the nickname, plus associate it with any other mindless drivel that might spew out of my head in the next 10 minutes.

I am Jay Harris, the software developer. Not to be confused with Jay Harris the sportscaster on ESPN or Kay-Jay Harris the football player of the New York Giants. I am a senior software consultant, blogger, community advocate, and Microsoft Certified Professional in southeast Michigan, where I specialize in ASP.NET development and automated developer testing. Prior gigs, at least since moving to Michigan in 2003, include SRT Solutions in Ann Arbor working as a senior software consultant, a few years at Latitude Consulting Group in Howell as a Senior Developer and Performance Specialist, and time at Novations Learning Technologies in East Lansing as a Presentation Developer and Performance Specialist. Before moving to Michigan, my path includes several developer and developer-in-test positions at various companies throughout Western New York, and four years as student at Clarkson University, where I hold a Bachelor of Science in Technical Communications and a minor in Computer Science.

Throughout my career, I have focused on the full user experience. I am not only driven towards providing usable interfaces but I am also a strong advocate of practices and processes that improve quality through code, such as automated testing, continuous integration, and performance analysis. I am also active in the developer community, speaking at area user groups and conferences, serving as President of Ann Arbor .Net Developers user group, and organizing local study groups to help area developers pursue Microsoft .NET certifications.

Random Trivia

  • I enjoy restoring wooden furniture. I like bringing old, discarded, unloved furniture back to life. It fits well with taking existing code and making it better, taking a poor performing application and making it faster, or even when I was a kid rebuilding Legoland after yet another natural Lego-disaster.
  • I am an endorphin junkie. Combine that with a high tolerance for g-forces, and I have an addiction for fast vehicles, extreme roller coasters, and crazy amusement park rides. I hope that I can soon add bungee jumping and sky diving to the list.
  • I am not a Michigan Native; I am originally from Western New York. I was born and raised near Rochester, New York, and I moved from Syracuse, New York to Lansing, Michigan in 2003 with my wife so that she could attend law school at Michigan State. We like Michigan, but still consider ourselves tourists, and probably always will.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008 15:31:26 (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00)  #    Comments [1] - Trackback

Filed under: ASP.Net | Blogging | Programming | SEO

Did you know that yourdomain.com and www.yourdomain.com are actually different sites? Are they both serving the same content? If so, it may be negatively impacting your search engine rankings.

Subdomains and the Synonymous 'WWW'

Sub-domains are the prefix to a domain (http://subdomain.yourdomain.com), and are treated by browsers, computers, domain name systems (DNS), search engines, and the general internet as separate, individual web sites. Google's primary web presence, http://www.google.com, is very different than Google Mail, http://mail.google.com, or Google Documents, http://docs.google.com, all because of subdomains. However, what many do not realize is that www is, itself, a subdomain.

A domain, on its own, requires no www prefix; a subdomain-less http://yourdomain.com should be sufficient for serving up a web site. And since www is a subdomain, dropping the prefix could potentially return a different response. There are some sites that will fail to return without the prefix, and some sites that fail with it, but the most common practice is that the www subdomain is synonymous for no subdomain at all.

The Synonymous WWW and SEO

The issue with having two synonymous URLs (http://yourdomain.com and http://www.yourdomain.com) is that search engines may interpret them as separate sites, even if they are serving the same content. The two addresses are technically independent and are potentially serving unique content; to a cautious search engine, even if pages appear to contain the same content, there may be something different under the covers. This means your audience's search results returns two entries for the same content. Some users will happen to click on yourdomain.com while others navigate to www.yourdomain.com, splitting your traffic, your page hits, your search ranking between two sites, unnecessarily.

HTTP Redirects will cure the issue. If you access http://google.com, your browser is instantly redirected to http://www.google.com. This is done through a HTTP 301 permanent redirect. Search Spiders recognize HTTP response codes, and understand the 301 as a "use this other URL instead" command. Many search engines, such as Google, will then update all page entries for the original URI (http://yourdomain.com) and replace it with the 301's destination URL (http://www.yourdomain.com). If there is already an entry for the destination URL, the two entries will be merged together. The search entries for yourdomain.com and www.yourdomain.com will now share traffic, share page hits, and share search ranking. Instead of having two entries on the second and third pages of search results, combining these entries may be just enough to place you on the first page of results.

In addition to combining search entries for subdomains, you can also combine root-level domains through HTTP 301. On this site, in addition to adding the www prefix if no subdomain is specified, captainloadtest.com will HTTP 301 redirect to www.cptloadtest.com.

Combining the Synonyms

We need a way to implement an HTTP 301 redirect at the domain level for all requests to a site; however, often we are using applications that may not grant us access to the source, or we don't have the access into IIS through our host to set up redirects for ourselves. URL Rewrite, Part 2 covers a great drop-in redirect module by Fritz Onion that uses a stand-alone assembly with a few additions in web.config to HTTP 301 redirect paths in your domain (it also supports HTTP 302 redirects). This module is perfect for converting a WordPress blog post URL, such as cptloadtest.com/?p=56, to a DasBlog blog post URL like cptloadtest.com/2006/05/31/VSNetMacroCollapseAll.aspx. However, to redirect domains and subdomains, the module must go a step further and redirect based on matches against the entire URL, such as directing http:// to https:// or captainloadtest.com to cptloadtest.com, which it does not support. It's time for some modifications.

private void OnBeginRequest(object src, EventArgs e) {
  HttpApplication app = src as HttpApplication;
  string reqUrl = app.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
  redirections redirs
    = (redirections) ConfigurationManager.GetSection("redirections");

  foreach (Add a in redirs.Adds) {
    Regex regex = new Regex(a.targetUrl, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
    if (regex.IsMatch(reqUrl)) {
      string targetUrl = regex.Replace(reqUrl, a.destinationUrl, 1);

      if (a.permanent) {
        app.Response.StatusCode = 301; // make a permanent redirect
        app.Response.AddHeader("Location", targetUrl);


By converting app.Request.RawURL to app.Request.AbsoluteUri, the regular expression will now match against the entire URL, rather than just the requested path. There is one downside to this change: the value is the actual path processed, not necessarily what was in the originally requested URL. To this effect, the value of AbsoluteUri for requesting http://www.cptloadtest.com?p=56 is actually http://www.cptloadtest.com/default.aspx?p=56; by requesting the root directory, the default page is being processed, not the directory itself, so default.aspx is added to the URL. Keep this in mind when setting up your redirection rules. Also, the original code converted the URL to lower case; with my modifications, I chose to maintain the case of the URL, since sometimes case matters, and instead ignore case in the regular expression match using RegexOptions.IgnoreCase. Finally, I made some other minor enhancements, like using the ConfigurationManager, since ConfigurationSettings is now obsolete, and reusing the matching Regex instance for replacements.

Download: RedirectModule.zip


  • Source code for the drop-in Redirect Module
  • Sample web.config that uses the module
  • Compiled version of redirectmodule.dll

The code is based on the original Redirect Module by Fritz Onion and the Xml Serializer Section Handler by Craig Andera. As always, this code is provided with no warranties or guarantees. Use at your own risk. Your mileage may vary. Thanks to Fritz Onion for the original work, and allowing me extend his code further.

The usage is the same as Fritz Onion's original module. Drop the assembly into your site's bin, and place a few lines into the web.config. The example below contains the rules as they would apply to this site, 301 redirecting http://www.captainloadtest.com to http://www.cptloadtest.com, and adding the www subdomain to any domain requests that have no subdomain.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <section name="redirections"
      type="Pluralsight.Website.XmlSerializerSectionHandler, redirectmodule" />
  <!-- Redirect Rules -->
  <redirections type="Pluralsight.Website.redirections, redirectmodule">
    <!-- Domain Redirects //-->
    <add targetUrl="captainloadtest\.com/Default\.aspx"
      destinationUrl="cptloadtest.com/" permanent="true" />
    <add targetUrl="captainloadtest\.com"
      destinationUrl="cptloadtest.com" permanent="true" />

    <!-- Add 'WWW' to the domain request //-->
    <add targetUrl="://cptloadtest\.com/Default\.aspx"
      destinationUrl="://www.$1.com/" permanent="true" />
    <add targetUrl="://cptloadtest\.com"
      destinationUrl="://www.$1.com" permanent="true" />

    <!-- ...More Redirects -->
      <add name="RedirectModule"
        type="Pluralsight.Website.RedirectModule, redirectmodule" />

The component is easy to use, and can redirect your site traffic to any URL you choose. Neither code changes to the application nor configuration changes to IIS are needed. By using this module to combine synonymous versions of your URLs, such as alternate domains or subdomains, you will improve your page ranking through combining duplicate search result entries. One more step towards your own search engine optimization goals.

URL Rewrite

Thursday, 04 December 2008 16:43:10 (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00)  #    Comments [4] - Trackback

Filed under: Blogging | JavaScript | Programming | Reviews | Tools

Google Syntax Highlighter is a simple tool that allows bloggers to easily display code in a format that is familiar end users. The tool renders the code in a very consumable fashion that includes colored syntax highlighting, line highlighting, and line numbers.

This is an example of how Google
Syntax Highlighter can highlight and display syntax
to you, the end user
public void HelloWorld()
  // I have some comments
  Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

It is purely a client-side tool, as all of the processing is done strictly within the browser through JavaScript. There is no server-side processing. Since it is all JavaScript, you don't need special Copy/Paste plugins and macros installed to your favorite IDE or your blog authoring tool. (I am leery of random plugins and installing them into the software that I use to feed my family.) To including code in your blog post, copy your code from Visual Studio, Notepad, Flash, Firebug, or any tool that displays text, and paste it in to your post. As of v1.5.1, Google Syntax Highlighter supports C, C++, C#, CSS, Delphi, HTML, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Pascal, Python, Ruby, SQL, VB, VB.NET, XML, XSLT, and all of this is just what comes out of the box.

Setting Up Syntax Highlighter

To get Syntax Highlighter running on your blog, download the latest version of the RAR archive and extract the code. The archive contains a parent folder, dp.SyntaxHighlighter, with three child folders:

  \Scripts         //Production-ready (Compressed) scripts
  \Styles          //CSS
  \Uncompressed    //Human-readable (Uncompressed/Debug) scripts

Once the archive is extracted, upload dp.SyntaxHighlighter to your blog. Feel free to rename the folder if you like, though I did not. It is not necessary to upload the Uncompressed folder and its files; they are best used for debugging or for viewing the code, as the files in the Scripts folder have been compressed to reduce bandwidth by having most of their whitespace removed.

After you have uploaded the files, you will need to add script and style references to your site's HTML. This is code is not for your posts, but rather for your blog template. In DasBlog, I place this code in the <HEAD> block of my homeTemplate.blogtemplate file. Remember to change the file paths to match the path to where you uploaded the code.

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
<script language="javascript" src="dp.SyntaxHighlighter/Scripts/shCore.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="dp.SyntaxHighlighter/Scripts/shBrushCSharp.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="dp.SyntaxHighlighter/Scripts/shBrushXml.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
window.onload = function () {
  dp.SyntaxHighlighter.ClipboardSwf = 'dp.SyntaxHighlighter/Scripts/clipboard.swf';

To make the tool most efficient, including minimizing the code download by the client browser, highlighting is only enabled for the languages that you specify. The highlighting rules for each language is available through a file referred to as a Brush. The code sample above enables only C# and XML/HTML by including the core file, shCore.js, the C# brush, shBrushCSharp.js and the XML/HTML brush, shBrushXml.js. A unique brush file is available for each of the supported languages, and only the core file is required. These brushes are located in your Scripts directory (the human-readable version is in the Uncompressed folder). Include only the brushes that you like; if you forgot a language brush, the code will still display on your page, but as unformatted text.

<!-- Unformatted HTML Code / No Brush -->
<p id="greeting">Hi, mom & dad!</p>
<!-- Formatted HTML Code -->
<p id="greeting">Hi, mom & dad!</p>

Making Syntax Highlighter Go

Now that the application is deployed to the site, how does it get applied to a post? Paste the code into the HTML view of your post, inside of a <PRE> tag. Create a name attribute on your tag with a value of code, and a class attribute set to the language and options you are using.

<pre name="code" class="c-sharp">
  public void HelloWorld()
    Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

One catch is the code must be first made HTML-safe. All angle-brackets, <tag>, must be converted to their HTML equivalent, &lt;tag&gt;, as well as ampersands, & to &amp;. I also find it helpful if your code-indentation uses two-spaces, rather than tabs.

<!-- Pre-converted code -->
<p>Hi, mom & dad!</p>
<!-- Converted code -->
<pre name="code" class="html">
  &lt;p&gt;Hi, mom &amp; dad!&lt;/p&gt;

The class attribute is made up of both language and option aliases. These aliases consist of one language followed by your desired options, all in a colon delimited list.


The value of language is any of Syntax Highlighter's defined language aliases, such as c#, csharp, or c-sharp for C#, or rb, ruby, rails, or ror for Ruby. See: full list of available languages.

Options allow for such things as turning off the plain text / copy / about controls (nocontrols), turning off the line number gutter (nogutter), or specifying the number of the first line (firstline[n]). A JavaScript code block with no controls header, and starting the line numbering at 34 would have a class attribute value of class="js:nocontrols:linenumber[34]". See: full list of available options.

Extending Syntax Highlighter

Because Google Syntax Highlighter is entirely in JavaScript, you have access to all of the code. Edit it however you like to suit your needs. Additionally, brushes are very easy to create, and include little more than a list of a highlighted language's keywords in a string and an array of language aliases. Creating a brush for ActionScript or QBasic would not take much time. Language brushes exist in the wild for Perl, DOS Batch, and ColdFusion.

In a future post I plan on discussing Brush Creation in depth through creating a brush for ActionScript.

Comparing Syntax Highlighter to Others

I am a fan of this tool, though that should be obvious considering it is what I use on this blog. I like how readable the code is, how extendable it is, and how easy it is to use. I don't like its compatibility--or lack thereof--with RSS; since all of the work is done in JavaScript, and RSS doesn't do JavaScript, there is no syntax highlighting, numbers, or options within a feed, though the code formatting is still maintained. Other tools, like the CopySourceAsHtml plugin for Visual Studio or Insert Code Snippet for Windows Live Writer convert your code into formatted HTML, where all of the syntax highlighting is applied through HTML attributes and embedded CSS. Their methods are much easier than Syntax Highlighter, since there are no stylesheets or JavaScript files to include in your HTML, and you don't have to worry about making your code HTML-safe. Also, their method works in RSS feeds. However, there isn't the same level of control. Through Syntax Highlighter's extendibility, I can theme my code views, such as if I wanted them to look like my personal Visual Studio theme. Through Syntax Highlighter, I can also make changes at a later time, and those changes will immediately reflected in all past posts, whereas making modifications to the HTML/embedded CSS pattern is much more difficult.

Final Thoughts

I like CopySourceAsHtml in Visual Studio. I used it for years on this blog. But I code in more languages than VB.Net or C#, and the plugin isn't available within the Flash or LoadRunner IDE. I was also frustrated with pasting my code in, only to find that it was too wide for my blog theme's margins, and would have to go back to Visual Studio, change my line endings, and repeat the process. I'm sticking with Google Syntax Highlighter. It works for all of my languages (as soon as I finish writing my ActionScript brush), and when my line endings are too long, I simply change my HTML. And in my HTML, my code still looks like code, rather than a mess of embedded style. I have to sacrifice RSS formatting, but as a presentation developer that is very particular about his HTML, I am glad for the customization and control.

Monday, 24 November 2008 10:41:50 (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00)  #    Comments [9] - Trackback

Filed under: ASP.Net | Programming

A few months ago I switched my blogging engine from WordPress to DasBlog, and was left with a pile of broken post links. The WordPress format of formatting URLs, such as cptloadtest.com/?p=56, no longer applied; DasBlog has its own way of building the URL: cptloadtest.com/2006/05/31/VSNetMacroCollapseAll.aspx. Other people, with links to my posts on their own blogs, and search engines, with search results pointing to the old format, no longer directed people to the proper page. Fortunately, the old WordPress way directed users to the domain root, so they saw the main page instead of a 404, but what I really needed was a way to get users to the content they came for. But, I wanted a way that didn't involve customizing DasBlog code.

Part 1 discusses some client-side options for redirecting traffic. As a developer, I would only need to add some quick JavaScript or HTML to my pages to reroute traffic, but I wanted a better way. I wanted Google's links to be updated, rather than just for the link to correctly route. I want a solution that worked without JavaScript. I wanted a solution that didn't download the page twice, as any client-side processor would do. I wanted the HTTP 301.

HTTP 301, Move Permanently, is a server-side redirection of traffic. No client-side processing is involved. And Google recognizes that this is a permanent redirect, as it's name implies, so the Google result link is updated to the new URL. But since this is a server-side process, and I don't have full access to IIS settings with my hosting provider, I needed some code.

response.StatusCode = 301;
response.AddHeader("Location", "http://www.cptloadtest.com");

You may have noticed that, unlike the title of this blog post, I did not use a URL rewrite. HTTP 301 (and 302) redirects are HTTP Response Codes that are returned to the client browser, and the client then requests the new URL. A URL Rewrite leaves the original URL in place, and renders a different page instead, without visibility to the client browser or end-user. If I were to URL rewrite my blog from page1.aspx to page2.aspx, the URL in your address bar would still list page1.aspx, even though the content was from page2.aspx. The end-user (and the search engine) never know about the URL for page2.aspx. However, with a HTTP redirect, the content and the address bar would both be page2.aspx.

I ran through Google to see if anyone had solved this problem in the past. I came across a Scott Hanselman post on HTTP 301, which mentions a fantastic drop-in redirect module by Fritz Onion. I was elated when I found this module, and it was very easy to implement. Drop the assembly into your application's bin, add a few lines into the web.config, and enjoy redirection bliss. The module also supports both HTTP 302 and HTTP 301 redirects through the "permanent" attribute in the redirection rules.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <section name="redirections"
      type="Pluralsight.Website.XmlSerializerSectionHandler, redirectmodule" />
  <!-- Redirect Rules -->
  <redirections type="Pluralsight.Website.redirections, redirectmodule">
    <!-- Wordpress Post Redirects //-->
    <add targetUrl="/default\.aspx\?p=86"
      permanent="true" />
    <add targetUrl="/default\.aspx\?p=74"
      permanent="true" />
    <add targetUrl="/default\.aspx\?p=72"
      permanent="true" />
    <add targetUrl="/default\.aspx\?p=70"
      permanent="true" />
    <add targetUrl="/default\.aspx\?p=69"
      permanent="true" />

    <!-- ...More Redirects -->
      <add name="RedirectModule"
        type="Pluralsight.Website.RedirectModule, redirectmodule" />

The entire implementation took only a few minutes. It seemed like it took longer to upload the changes to the blog than it did to make the local edits. The solution is also very clean, as it required no modification to the existing application beyond integrating the configuration blocks into the web.config. Blog traffic will now seamlessly redirect from links that use the old WordPress URL to post that use the new DasBlog URL. Search Engines also update their links, and the page ranking for each post isn't lost into the ether just because the URL changed. All is well with the world, again.

Next up: Part 3. URL redirection also plays a role in Search Engine Optimization. In Part 3, I will go over some ways that you can use HTTP redirects to improve your search engine listings, as well as discuss some improvements I made to Fritz Onion's redirect module in the name of SEO.

URL Rewrite

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Tuesday, 11 November 2008 12:36:34 (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00)  #    Comments [0] - Trackback

Filed under: ASP.Net | Programming

A few months ago I switched my blogging engine from WordPress to DasBlog. Though I do feel that WordPress is a more mature engine, with a more robust feature set and a better plug-in community, I wanted a site that was built on .NET. Being a .NET developer, I wanted something I could tinker with,  modify, and adjust to my liking.

Redirecting WordPress URL Format to DasBlog

One of the pain points of the switch was with the differences in how the two blogging engines generated their URLs. As an example, my post on the Collapse All macro for the Visual Studio Solution Explorer, originally written in WordPress, went from a URL of cptloadtest.com/?p=56 to cptloadtest.com/2006/05/31/VSNetMacroCollapseAll.aspx. A few sites, such as Chinhdo.com, link to the post's old URL, which without effort to put a redirect in place would return HTTP 404: File Not Found under the new engine.

Enter URL redirects. I needed a way to translate one URL into another. More specifically, since WordPress retrieves all of its posts by query string (using the 'p' key), I needed to translate a specific query string key/value pair into a URL. But, I didn't want to have to recompile any code.

There are a view client-side redirecting options available:

Meta Refresh

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=http://www.cptloadtest.com/">

The Old-School HTML way of redirecting a page. Nothing but HTML is needed. Only access to the base HTML page is required. Place the above HTML within your <HEAD> tag, reformatting the content value with "X;url=myURL", where X is the number of seconds to wait before initiating the redirect, and myURL is the destination URL. Any browsers will obey Meta-Refresh, regardless of JavaScript's enabled setting, but the simple implementation brings with it simple features. Meta-Refresh will redirect any request the page, regardless of the query string, and there is no simple way to enable it only for the specific key/value query string pair. Because all WordPress requests are to the domain root--a single page--and referenced by query string, this would not work for my needs. If the old request was instead to a unique former page, such as /post56.html, I could go create a new copy of post56.html as just a stub, and have each page Meta-Refresh to the post's new location. But even if this did apply, it's too much work to create 56 stub pages for 56 former posts.

JavaScript Redirect

<script type="text/javascript">
window.location = "http://www.cptloadtest.com/"

This one requires JavaScript to work. Since the query string is on the domain root, the request is serving up Default.aspx and applying the query string to it. DasBlog doesn't observe the "p" query string key, so it will not perform any action against it, but the query string is still available to client-side scripts. I can add JavaScript code to perform regular expression matches on the URL (window.location), and upon match rewrite the old URL to the new and redirect. It's relatively simple to create new match patterns for each of my 56 posts, and I can place all of my new client-side code atop Default.aspx.

var oldPath = "/?p=56";
var newPath = "/2006/05/31/VSNetMacroCollapseAll.aspx";
if (document.URL.indexOf(oldPath) > 0)
  window.location.replace(document.URL.replace(oldPath, newPath));

However, since the patterns are in client-side code, they are visible to end-users who view source. Users will also see page-flicker, as the Default.aspx is served up using the old URL, only to be redirected and refreshed under the new URL; a side-effect of downloading the page twice is that my bandwidth is also doubled for that single request, since users downloaded the page twice.

What it all means

All of the options above result in functionality similar a HTTP 302, otherwise known as a Temporary Redirect. This class of redirect is meant for simple forwarding or consolidation that is either of temporary nature or part of intended functional implementation. An example of where this would be used is if after one page is finished processing, another should be returned, such as if authentication is complete on a login page and the client should be redirected to a home page or landing page. With a 302, the original page is still a valid page, and users should still go to it in the future, but under certain scenarios there is an alternate page should be used.

The alternative to a 302 is a HTTP 301, otherwise known as Moved or a Permanent Redirect. The 301 is for files which have permanently changed locations and come with an implied "please update your links" notice. The HTTP 301 is ultimately what I was looking for. cptloadtest.com/?p=56 is a defunct URL that will never again see light of day; users, web sites, and (most importantly) search engines should update their references to the new DasBlog format of the post's URL. Client-side coding doesn't have the ability to create an HTTP 301, so it was beginning to look like I may either have to modify DasBlog code to get my 301s or live without. But, I found a way; this site now has all of the 301 goodness I craved, while keeping the DasBlog code pure.

It's all about HTTP Modules.

In Part 2, I will go over how to use HTTP Modules to implement both HTTP 301 and HTTP 302 redirects, all with simply dropping a file into your application bin and adding a new section to your web.config. No compile required.

URL Rewrite

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Thursday, 06 November 2008 10:01:33 (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00)  #    Comments [1] - Trackback

Filed under: Programming | Testing | Tools

Recently, I was writing unit tests for a web application built on Castle ActiveRecord. My goal was to mock ActiveRecord's data store, rather than use a Microsoft SQL Server database for testing. SQL Server backing just would not fit my needs, where a mock data store would serve much better:

  • I did not want a SQL Server installation to be a requirement for me, the other developers, and my Continuous Integration server.
  • I wanted something fast. I didn't want to have to wait for SQL Server to build / tear down my schema.
  • I wanted something isolated, so the other developers, and my CI server, and I wouldn't have contention over the same database, but didn't want to have to deal with independent SQL Server instances for everyone.

Essentially what I wanted was a local, in-memory database that could be quickly initialized and destroyed specifically for my tests. The resolution was using SQLite for ADO.Net, using an in-memory SQLite instance. Brian Genisio has a fantastic write-up on mocking the data store for Castle ActiveRecord using this SQLite for ADO.Net. The post made my day, since I was looking for a way to do this, and he had already done all of the work <grin/>. I encourage you to read his post first, as the rest of this post assumes you have already done so.

Brian's post was a great help to me; I made a few enhancements to what he started to make it fit my needs even more.

My updated version of Brian's ActiveRecordMockConnectionProvider class:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data;
using System.Reflection;
using Castle.ActiveRecord;
using Castle.ActiveRecord.Framework;
using Castle.ActiveRecord.Framework.Config;
using NHibernate.Connection;

namespace ActiveRecordTestHelper
  public class ActiveRecordMockConnectionProvider : DriverConnectionProvider
    private static IDbConnection _connection;

    private static IConfigurationSource MockConfiguration
        var properties = new Hashtable
              {"hibernate.dialect", "NHibernate.Dialect.SQLiteDialect"},
              {"hibernate.connection.provider", ConnectionProviderLocator},
                "Data Source=:memory:;Version=3;New=True;"}

        var source = new InPlaceConfigurationSource();
        source.Add(typeof (ActiveRecordBase), properties);

        return source;

    private static string ConnectionProviderLocator
      get { return String.Format("{0}, {1}", TypeOfEnclosingClass.FullName,
                                    EnclosingAssemblyName.Split(',')[0]); }

    private static Type TypeOfEnclosingClass
      get { return MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType; }

    private static string EnclosingAssemblyName
      get { return Assembly.GetAssembly(TypeOfEnclosingClass).FullName; }

    public override IDbConnection GetConnection()
      if (_connection == null)
        _connection = base.GetConnection();

      return _connection;

    public override void CloseConnection(IDbConnection conn) {}

    /// <summary>
    /// Destroys the connection that is kept open in order to keep the
    /// in-memory database alive. Destroying the connection will destroy
    /// all of the data stored in the mock database. Call this method when
    /// the test is complete.
    /// </summary>
    public static void ExplicitlyDestroyConnection()
      if (_connection != null)
        _connection = null;

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes ActiveRecord and the Database that ActiveRecord uses to
    /// store the data. Call this method before the test executes.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="useDynamicConfiguration">
    /// Use reflection to build configuration, rather than the Configuration
    /// file.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="types">
    /// A list of ActiveRecord types that will be created in the database
    /// </param>
    public static void InitializeActiveRecord(bool useDynamicConfiguration,
                                              params Type[] types)
      IConfigurationSource configurationSource = useDynamicConfiguration
                                       ? MockConfiguration
                                       : ActiveRecordSectionHandler.Instance;
      ActiveRecordStarter.Initialize(configurationSource, types);

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes ActiveRecord and the Database that ActiveRecord uses to
    /// store the data based. Configuration is dynamically generated using
    /// reflection. Call this method before the test executes.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="types">
    /// A list of ActiveRecord types that will be created in the database
    /// </param>
    [Obsolete("Use InitializeActiveRecord(bool, params Type[])")]
    public static void InitializeActiveRecord(params Type[] types)
      InitializeActiveRecord(true, types);

In my class I have overloaded the method InitializeActiveRecord to include the boolean parameter useDynamicConfiguration, governing if the configuration is dynamically built using Reflection or if the configuration in your app.config is used instead. If the parameter is not specified, it default to false (Use app.config).

Why? Brian's original code, as is, is meant to be dropped in as a new class within your test assembly, and uses reflection to dynamically determine the provider information, including the fully-qualified class name and assembly of the new DriverConnectionProvider. Reflection makes for little effort for me when I want to drop in the class into a new test assembly. Drop it in and go; no need to even modify the app.config. However, if I want to switch my provider back to SQL Server or some other platform, I have to modify the code and recompile.

My modifications remove the restriction of configuration in compiled code, allow configuration to be placed in app.config, while preserving the existing functionality for backward compatibility. By allowing app.config-based configuration, users can quickly switch back-and-forth between SQLite and SQL Server databases without having to modify and recompile the application. To use this customized ActiveRecordMockConnectionProvider class without dynamic configuration, add the following code to the configuration block of your test's app.config.

    <add key="hibernate.connection.driver_class"
      value="NHibernate.Driver.SQLite20Driver" />
    <add key="hibernate.dialect" value="NHibernate.Dialect.SQLiteDialect" />
    <add key="hibernate.connection.provider"
      value="ActiveRecordTestHelper.ActiveRecordMockConnectionProvider, ActiveRecordTestHelper" />
    <add key="hibernate.connection.connection_string"
      value="Data Source=:memory:;Version=3;New=True;" />

The catch is that you will need to know the fully-qualified class and assembly information for your provider (Line 6, above). This means you will have to modify it for every test assembly. To get around this, compile the code into a separate assembly (I called mine 'ActiveRecordTestHelper.dll'), and reference this new assembly in your test assembly. By using a separate assembly, you no longer need to modify the activerecord configuration block for every instance, and can reuse the same block everywhere the new assembly is referenced.

And to switch over from in-memory SQLite to SQL Server, just comment out the SQLite block and uncomment the SQL Server block (or whatever other provider you are using).

Download: ActiveRecordMockConnectionProvider.zip

  • Source code for the ActiveRecordMockConnectionProvider class
  • Sample Class that uses the new provider
  • Sample app.config containing the ActiveRecord block using the provider.
  • Compiled versions of ActiveRecordTestHelper.dll

As always, this code is provided with no warranties or guarantees. Use at your own risk. Your mileage may vary.
And thanks again to Brian Genisio.

Thursday, 30 October 2008 09:10:01 (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00)  #    Comments [1] - Trackback

Filed under: Events
Interested in the Ray Ozzie keynotes next week, but can't make it to PDC? Come watch the two keynotes (Monday and Tuesday) at SRT Solutions in Ann Arbor. This community event will include remote viewing of the keynotes and discussion about the news. Lunch will be provided, as our local Microsoft office is sponsoring the event for both days. (Thank you, Microsoft!)
Remote Viewing & Discussion of the Ray Ozzie Keynotes
Monday, October 27, 11:30a-2:00p - Register
Tuesday, October 28, 11:30a-2:00p - Register
SRT Solutions
206 S. Fifth Avenue, Suite 200
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
Come out for the show. Space is limited, so please register. (Note: if you wish to attend both days, you must register for each day separately.)
I look forward to seeing you there.
Monday, 20 October 2008 12:33:29 (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00)  #    Comments [0] - Trackback

Filed under: Continuous Integration | Events | Speaking
Tomorrow night, Wednesday, 08 October, I will be speaking at the Ann Arbor Dot Net Developers meeting. We will be discussing Continuous Integration, focusing on CI as a process, not just a toolset. Come out to Ann Arbor, enjoy some pizza, and hear about what Continuous Integration can do for your development cycle.
Continuous Integration: It's more than just a toolset
Wednesday, 08 October, 2008 @ 6:00pm
SRT Solutions
206 South Fifth Ave, Suite 200
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Session Abstract:

Does your team spend days integrating code at the end of a project? Continuous Integration can help. Using Continuous Integration will eliminate that end-of-project integration stress, and at the same time will make your development process easier. But Continuous Integration is more than just a tool like CruiseControl.Net; it is a full development process designed to bring you closer to your mainline, increase visibility of project status throughout your team, and to streamline deployments to QA or to your client. Find out what Continuous Integration is all about, and what it can do for you.
Tuesday, 07 October 2008 13:45:27 (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00)  #    Comments [0] - Trackback